Yes, I love romance novels.

I’ve been reading a lot of books on highlanders lately. Yes, highlanders. No, not the historical kind. It’s that sin-on-a-stick-i’ll-woo-you-woman-with-my-hot-bod-and-devilishly-handsome–

You get the picture.

And the thing is, I enjoy it. Granted, I tend to skip a lot of parts these days (it’s formula, after all), but I still can’t pull away from authors with great command of the subject matter: Dark, raging, alpha males and feisty, heroines.

It’s obvious to my psychologist brain that I’m at an escapist point of my life again. This is what I do to procrastinate, and get away from the bagillion things I need to do. Urgh, I hate calling myself out on these things.

But it’s because of my recent flight to fantasy land that I found this absolutely divine website: Smart Bitches, Trashy Books

This site reflects ALL MY THOUGHTS on the “trashy books” I love so much. I mean, check out her review on the book, “Ravished by  the Triceratops.” MY GOURD I COULDN’T STOP LAUGHING. And the post on 10 things I Hate about Love (scenes) just resonates with my romance-novel-expert self. It’s so me, it’s absurd. So here’s to smart women who love reading trashy books! I don’t have to explain my guilty pleasure in this blog. I’ll let that blog speak for myself. 🙂

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